Giannis Aivazis: He needed oxygen - The latest for his state of health

The actor, although fully vaccinated, was diagnosed with coronavirus

aivazis GIANNIS AIVAZIS, KORONIOS, Hospital, oxygen, HEALTH

Giannis Aivazis has been hospitalized at "Sotiria" hospital since yesterday after he had respiratory problems.

The actor, although fully vaccinated, was diagnosed with coronavirus and had to be hospitalized after the low levels of oxygen found in his blood.

Giannis Aivazis, according to information from Stamatina Tsimtsili, has some problems with his breathing and sometimes he needs the help of oxygen.

It all started with a cold but because he was watching his oxygen he saw that he had fallen, he realized that something was wrong and he went to the hospital where he remained.

According to the journalist who spoke to him, what impressed her was that his voice came out with great difficulty.