Every now and then you have to wash your jeans and blouses

Regular washing can damage some items of clothing faster, so it is important to follow the general rules for

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Regular washing can damage some types of clothes faster, so it is important to follow the general rules of laundry care and leave the necessary time between washes.

See for example what applies to blouses and jeans, which are the main pieces of the wardrobe:


T-shirts are one of those clothes that need to be washed very often as they come in direct contact with the sweaty body and are ideal to be washed after each use. However, as this can damage the quality of the clothes, you can extend the wash and do it every 2 times you use it,


Jeans and casual pants can be worn 4-5 times between each wash. Do not forget to turn them over so that they do not fade and do not quickly lose their color.
