How to put children to sleep after the holidays


The end of summer brings melancholy to most people. Whether for adults or children, the end of summer carelessness and carefreeness breeds sadness. Along with stress.

For the children, the mere idea that the schools are open is enough for them not to be overjoyed, that summer is leaving, Autumn is coming. As for the parents, the idea that they should return their children to the pre-holiday routine, brings them on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Because they know well what awaits them. And the difficulties for them start with the resumption of the sleep program. After a summer, with flexible hours, some nights and waking up with the long hours, children will have to adjust to their sleep routine, which follows the winter and wants to go to bed early. And how do you say and most importantly, how do you convince your sprout, that "overnight, end"?

See below, small tips that will make the "business-sleep" easier, without quarrels with your children.

Gradual adjustment


Every night the child should go to bed a little earlier. Count, from 10 minutes to a quarter, each time. That is, do not wait until the last day before school to tell him to go to bed early. This abrupt change will make it difficult and he will have to adjust when he has school in the morning. Ideally, then, the adjustment program should be implemented at least two weeks before the schools open.

Get rid of video games

In the summer, among other things, there is plenty of play but also the use of tablets, play stations and other electronics. But in order to succeed in resuming the sleep program, the use of electronic devices should be quite limited. And be banned before they fall asleep. After all, the blue light emitted by most devices forces the brain to be awake and does not let it enter a state of rest.

Establish a routine schedule


As with babies and older children, the sleep routine helps. So you can set up a specific program before going to bed. Establish a shower with lukewarm water, give him milk to drink and after brushing his teeth, you can lie down next to the child for a while and tell a story or the news of your day and how you spent it.

Do not raise your voices

In the beginning, you will have reactions. Do not wait for the child to suddenly accept that the summer carefree with the "forbidden" nights is over and he should go to bed early again, without staring a little more at the TV. That's why you have to show understanding (look back a little on your childhood, didn't you do the same?) And make the adjustment, without voices, which we all know always bring the opposite result.