The Achna water block is a garbage dump

Achnas Dam, Achnas Fence

The Achna Community Council expresses strong concern about the unacceptable image presented by the Achna dam due to garbage. In his statements to "Phileleftheros", the community leader Nikos Vassilas on the occasion of the complaint of a foreigner last Sunday, who was arrested on the spot for polluting the area, stressed that this is a very serious problem.

As the main cause of the phenomenon, Mr. Vassilas named the dozens of amateur fishermen who visit the fence every day and especially at the weekend, fishing with a fishing rod. As long as they are licensed by the Department of Fisheries this is not prohibited. But, he continued, several of them carry with them beers, soft drinks, light coals, etc. leaving their rubbish exposed. As a result, the Community Council receives complaints or is criticized for the situation that prevails when this important wetland is visited by environmentalists and nature lovers.

Mr. Vassilas called on all the competent Authorities, and especially the Department of Fisheries and the Department of Water, to think about finding ways to protect the area. Which, as he pointed out, the Achnas Community Council alone can neither practically nor financially shoulder.

It is noted that despite the inspections carried out at regular intervals by the Department of Fisheries, checking with officials whether those fishing in the Achnas dam are licensed, many locals claim that a significant percentage of fishermen are illegal. As a result, there is an issue of overfishing and consequent destruction of the fish population, especially this year when there is plenty of water in the basin of the fence.

Source: Liberal