Pavlos Anastasiadis withdrew his candidacy for the Municipality of Famagusta

67893320 600469083694106 6168318866716884992 n Municipality of Famagusta

"My name is no longer included among the candidates for the post of Mayor of Famagusta," said Pavlos Anastasiadis in a written statement, whose name was included among the potential candidates for the post of Mayor of Famagusta.

Mr. Anastasiadis states in his statement that "I consider it very honorable for me to include my name among the two candidates for mutual acceptance that AKEL proposed to the other political forces, after a proposal on the subject by the competent Provincial Body last Saturday, 27 July ".

"It is also an honor to include my name in the candidates accepted by DIKO for general acceptance. "I consider yesterday's decision of the Politburo of DISY to accept me as a candidate for common acceptance to fill the position of Mayor of Famagusta, equally honorable for me", he adds.

Mr. Anastasiadis expresses to all these political forces "my sincere appreciation for the honor they did me."

As is well known, he continues, "it was not possible in the end, among all the above parties, to reach a candidate for common acceptance. Therefore, I would like to clarify that my name is no longer included among the candidates for the position of Mayor of Famagusta ".

"The submission and promotion, but also any value of my proposed independent candidacy, lay exactly in its common acceptance. "With the prospect of operating, if he wanted, to emerge, collectively and unifyingly, guided only by the good of our city, utilizing for this purpose any diplomatic experience and knowledge of mine", he states.

"I would also like to make it clear," he says, "that I have no personal ambition for positions and positions. My only concern was, is, and remains, the salvation of Famagusta and Cyprus as a whole. To this end, I am ready to devote all my forces and, of course, to support, where I can, the new Mayor and the Municipal Council. The moments for Famagusta, and Cyprus, are critical, everyone needs and everyone fits, no one is left over ".

He also states that "I can only express my appreciation and thanks to all the prominent people of Famagusta who thought that my face would be the right choice for the realization of the idea of ​​an independent, commonly accepted candidate for the City of Famagusta. , and who worked, promoted and supported this initiative. "Especially to the one who had the idea and submitted it to the parties."

"Finally, it is my duty to mention our former Mayor Alexis Galanos again. Let his unfortunate loss be a trigger for renewal and strengthening of the good struggle for the salvation of Famagusta and Cyprus, the one and whole homeland. "Famagusta shows and opens the way for the whole of Cyprus", concludes Mr. Anastasiadis in his statement.