The National Anniversaries 1821 and 1955

a 425 Socrates Aristotle
a 7426 Socrates AristotleBy Socrates Aristotle

Our long history and in fact the revolution of 1821 and the struggle of EOKA 1955-59, are not just celebrations. It is a revolt of the ruthless soul that was not reconciled to the bonds of tyranny… 

The fighters of 1821 and 1955, fought "for Christ, the faith of the Saint and the freedom of the homeland". Let us emphasize that. It is an inviolable principle. National, ideological, spiritual struggles are made only by selfless people, ideologues who are determined to play everything for the love of freedom and the supremacy of justice.

Anyone who is not ready for great sacrifices, often bloody, is unfit to fight on high and sacred ramparts. Without self-denial and a heroic mind, no one guards Thermopylae, he can not stand up to tighten a torch in Kougia, to hold drums with his teeth in Alamanes, Machera, Dikomo and Barn.

Only those who are galvanized with the ideals of freedom, the "hungry and thirsty for justice" do not reconcile with the internal chains and do not bow their heads to the various tyrants. And the fighters are always winners.

This is what the glorious anniversaries of March 25 and April 1, '55 remind me of. Not only celebrations but also enduring memories and effort and struggle to honor those three-dimensional struggles and make them guides to find the way and get out of the labyrinth into which our various enemies and friends threw us and get where we need to be. Greeks.