World Day Against Bullying March 6

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March 6, World Day Against Domestic Bullying and Domestic Violence, is an occasion for all of us (state, teachers, parents and NGOs) to focus on the magnitude of the problem, to admit omissions and mistakes and to take the initiative to prevent children in the values ​​of life, love and respect for fellow human beings, in order to achieve a climate of social cohesion, acceptance and solidarity within schools, according to an official statement.

School bullying is an international social phenomenon and in each country it manifests itself in different ways, in varying intensity, on many different occasions. It is the systematic, repetitive, deliberate and unwanted aggressive behavior that one or more children exhibit against another child inside and outside school. "Intra-school violence includes the deliberate causing of discomfort or pain (physical or mental) to the victim and the display of power or superiority from the perpetrator to the victim.

"As a result of this behavior, the child who is intimidated feels isolated, experiences anxiety, insecurity and fear, has symptoms of low self-esteem, depression, psychosomatic problems (eg abdominal pain, headaches) and school refusal."

In addition, it says, we should encourage children to "break the silence" and report incidents of violence at school and seek help from either teachers, parents or classmates so that aggression can be addressed in a timely manner. of other children. As a state, it is noted, we should focus our efforts on identifying and resolving the social problems associated with juvenile delinquency, designing anti-bullying policies, and strategies to address harassment, providing comprehensive prevention and safety.

To this end, it is stated, voluntary and non-governmental organizations have an important role to play together with parents and teachers.

The active involvement and cooperation, the mutual support and the exchange of ideas and experiences between all these bodies will help to achieve the greatest possible information and awareness of the public, teachers, parents and students, about the growing phenomenon of intimidation and violence.

At the same time, it is noted that through a single line for dealing with violence, encouraging young people to participate in the public and sports, cultivating friendship, focusing on ethics, values, respect and cooperation and promotion proper standards of conduct, we will achieve the elimination of juvenile delinquency and the goal will be achieved so that not a single student will be a victim of violence and bullying in the future.

The children, the announcement concludes, have the right to live and work in a school environment that provides them with security, peace and respect, because the violation of rights, even when done by peers, causes great mental pain.

Source: KYPE