Spain: Historic victory for the Conservative People's Party

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In Spain, the conservative People's Party is recording a historic victory in the elections, winning an absolute majority in Parliament. THE Mariano Rajoy takes the reins of the country, in the midst of the "flood" of the economic crisis, with unemployment and the indignation of the citizens for the austerity soaring… Electoral "Waterloo" for the Socialists, who record the worst result in the post-Franco era. Entrance to the new Parliament and the left Basque.

The People's Party declared its victory after with 54% of the total votes counted, according to the official data of the Spanish Ministry of Interior, it gathers 187 seats, reaching and far exceeding the autonomy for which 175 seats are required.

Ο Mariano Rajoy He stressed in his first statement, after the official announcement of important election results, that "Spain is not now able to work miracles to slip out of the economic crisis, but it must win the respect of the EU again." Source: today's