The beneficial properties of dark chocolate

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By Andris Vassilios:

Dark chocolate, in addition to being delicious, is now known to be good for your health. Cocoa beans, a key ingredient in dark chocolate, are rich in flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that fight damage to our cells and organs as a result. Also the flavanols contained in dark chocolate help protect the body from diseases such as cardiovascular.

Dark chocolate contains more cocoa than milk chocolate. Dark chocolate products have 30% to 70% cocoa, with some dark varieties containing more than 80% cocoa.

Some benefits of dark chocolate
• Scientific studies have shown that it lowers blood pressure. The flavonoids in dark chocolate help the arteries to function more smoothly, thus helping to reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Helps lower bad (LDL) cholesterol by contributing to a reduced risk of heart attack.

• Provides antioxidant action protecting our body from external and internal damage, ie protects against cellular and vascular damage. In this way the aging of the skin is slowed down.

• Among other things, dark chocolate contains theobromine which has a diuretic effect, helping our body not to retain fluids.

• Anxiolytic action. Helps increase serotonin and endorphin levels which regulate mood giving us euphoria.

Despite its benefits, dark chocolate should be consumed in reasonable quantities. It contains sugar and fat, so overconsumption could cause weight gain. Consume less dark chocolate in order to get the antioxidants it contains, while reducing calorie intake.

• Dark chocolate plain: 470 calories per 100 g
• Dark chocolate semi-sweet: 500 calories per 100 g
• Couverture: 450 calories per 100 g

So say yes to dark chocolate but in moderation!

Andri Vassiliou, Dietitian-Nutritionist