They also found Akis accounts in Cyprus

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New evidence brings to light the conclusion of the committee for "black money" regarding the infamous starters for submarines. The information of the Authority today reaches the hands of the investigator who is investigating the case. . 

According to the newspaper "To Ethnos", Cyprus is emerging as a station for the distribution of money by the company Ferristaall for the contract concerning the submarines.

The findings of the Authority for money laundering as everything shows will pave the way for new research in Cyprus and will certainly give the opportunity to open the relevant accounts in Megalonisos.

The ten co-accused of Akis are in the investigator

The apologies of the ten co-accused of Akis Tsochatzopoulos before the investigator, for the case of money laundering of the former minister, start today and end on Friday.

Among them are the wife and daughter of the former PASOK minister, who was sentenced to pre-trial detention along with four alleged accomplices.

The ten defendants in the indictment had a criminally infamous role and participated in an organization that for a number of years assisted in the former minister's attempt to conceal the real origin or to show as legally large sums of money he allegedly received for two large arms procurement of the Ministry of Defense.
