The branch of the Prevention and Counseling Center "Achilles" (KENTHEA) in the province of Famagusta was inaugurated

a2 1 News, Nea Famagusta
a2 41 News, Nea Famagusta

The inauguration of the Prevention and Counseling Station "Achilles" (KENTHEA) of the province of Famagusta in Avgorou took place last Wednesday (26/6). The inauguration was performed by the President of KENTHEA, Metropolitan of Tamassos and Mountains Mr. Isaias with Mrs. Ioanna Giasemi, representative of the Cyprus Anti-Drug Council.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Achilles", Mayor Sotiras, Mr. George Takkas, also addressed the inauguration, who, among other things, praised the work of the Station in Prevention and Advisory Guidance regarding addictive substances and gave the message that Local Government will assist in the project offered by "Achilles".

The station is housed on Andrea Zakou Street in Avgorou and the responsible officer is Mrs. Hionati Papamichael.

a 4 News, Nea Famagusta

ACHILLEAS Prevention and Counseling Station
The Prevention & Counseling Station "ACHILLEAS" Started its operation in 2009. The program involves all Municipalities and all Communities of the province of Famagusta.

The Station Started with the idea that the Local Authorities, which are closer to the problems of the community and the youth and, knowing better the peculiarities of their area, can respond in a timely and decisive manner in the fight against addictions. The cooperation between KENTHEA and the local Municipalities and Communities and always under the supervision and licensing of the Cyprus Anti-Drug Council has always been the appropriate choice.

a1 1 News, Nea Famagusta

Prevention Sector. (1 psychologist)
Its purpose is to raise public awareness about the various substances and forms of addiction and their effects on the individual, family and society. Aimed at children, young people, parents, teachers.

a3 1 News, Nea Famagusta
a3 2 News, Nea Famagusta

Department of Counseling (1 Clinical or Counseling Psychologist)
Counseling for developing incentives related to addiction treatment. Harm reduction interventions. Counseling and family support.

Photos: IOANNOU Photo