Three good reasons to drink coffee every day

a 62 Coffee
a 575 Coffee

If you belong to the people who drink a cup of coffee every day, then the news is pleasant as this amount can have various benefits for your health.

Always maintain a measure, as overconsumption can cause you problems, you can drink a cup of coffee after waking up in the morning, for example, and have various health benefits.

See three of them…

1. Against Alzheimer's
Researchers studying the effects of coffee found that people over the age of 65 who had higher levels of caffeine in their blood developed Alzheimer's disease two to four years later than those who had less caffeine in their blood.

2. It has antioxidant action
Studies have shown that coffee provides more antioxidants than any other product. While fruits and vegetables also have a lot of antioxidants, the human body seems to absorb more antioxidants than coffee.

3. It has antidepressant action
Researchers have found that people who drink four or more cups of coffee a day are about 10% less likely to experience depression than those who have never touched coffee in their lifetime.

Source: Newsbeast