There are bad habits we do every day, but we do not know that they are as harmful as smoking.
In particular, everyone knows that smoking is an addiction that can have serious consequences for the body and the body. However, there are some dangerous daily habits that are just as bad and can be part of your lifestyle, endangering your health.
Smoking damages almost every organ in the body and is directly responsible for a number of diseases.
It is estimated that one in two smokers will die from a smoking-related illness.
Every year there are more deaths from smoking than all those due to the following reasons in total:
Car accidents.
Illegal drug use.
Accidents related to the use of weapons.
Alcohol abuse.
The habit of smoking reduces the life of men by about twelve years and women by up to eleven years.
With this information in mind, we need to be aware that the following activities can be just as harmful to our body.
Carbonated soft drinks and sodas contain large amounts of fructose and corn syrup.
These ingredients are the main culprits for increased rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases.
One box a day can add seven pounds of weight to our body in just one year. This small amount also increases the risk of developing diabetes by 85%.
In addition, the multimillion-dollar soft drink industry focuses its advertising campaign on sales not only to adults, such as tobacco companies, but to the whole family, including children and teens.
As for sleep, a sufficient amount is between seven and nine hours.
Studies by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) show that sleeping less than six hours or more than ten hours each night can cause conditions such as:
Heart disease.
Studies also recommend eliminating repetitive wake-up calls in the morning, as intermittent sleep reduces the benefits of rest.
This habit leaves us more tired than if we just got up the first time the alarm went off.
If, after eight hours in the office, you go home and relax watching a TV show, your life may be in great danger.
According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, adults who sit for more than eleven hours a day are 40% more likely to shorten their lives by three years. This compared to those who sit for less than four hours a day.
If you sit for extended periods of time, your risk of developing:
Heart disease.
It should be noted that this risk is not reduced even if you exercise regularly.
While there is nothing better than starting a difficult day with a fresh cup of coffee, drinking more than four cups a day can increase your chances of dying by 56%.
A study conducted from 1979 to 1998 examined the medical and personal history of 40.000 people. During the seventeen years of the study, more than 2.500 of these people died.
Although the cause of death was not excessive coffee consumption, the study found that those who drank larger amounts of coffee were more likely to smoke. They also had less healthy hearts and less healthy lungs.
Coffee contains caffeine, a drug that stimulates the release of epinephrine, inhibiting insulin activity and raising blood pressure.
As awkward as it may seem, crossing your legs can impair blood circulation and cause blood clots. This can lead to complications such as:
Varicose veins.
Increased blood pressure.
Tension in the hips.
Problems with your posture.
A diet full of junk food or foods that contain too many preservatives is just as harmful as alcohol, drugs and smoking, according to GLOPAN.
Unlike smoking, which affects only a few people, malnutrition is a global problem that further destroys countries' economies.
Poor diet can lead to:
Type 2 diabetes.
Coronary disease.
Other health problems.
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