Scenes of despair in Mexico: Dozens of children are pulled out dead

CEB1 30 News, Mexico
CEB1 47 News, Mexico

An untold tragedy is being called for by the people of Mexico after the new earthquake in Egelados that evoked memories from the deadly earthquake of 1985. The images testify to the drama experienced in the last hours by the families of the victims of the 7,1 magnitude earthquake that scattered death in about 225 people.

Among them at least 21 children found a tragic end when they were buried under the rubble of their school. The search for the survivors continues unabated, as the family's anxiety escalates. The cost of property damage seems incalculable.

More than 400 buildings, including churches, have collapsed. Desperate and panicked, the people of Mexico City sleep on the street, young children have painted on their faces the fear after the new blow that no one expected to arrive in Mexico at the moment.

Most of the damage is located in the southern suburbs of the city, in Roma and Contesa, where many tourists frequent.

In the state of Mexico 94 people were killed, according to the Civil Protection Service. At least 40 people were found alive in the wreckage.

The focus of the investigation remains the ruins of the elementary and high school Enrique Rebsasmen, at the southern end of the city. At least 21 children aged 7 to 13 were killed, as well as five adults, while another 30 young students are still missing. Rescuers managed to contact a teacher and two students who are alive, trapped in the wreckage.

More than 200 schools were affected by the Egelados strike, 15 of which were severely damaged.

In the states of Puebla and Morelos, where the epicenter was located, investigations are continuing. "We will have to rebuild a lot of the devastated city of Hochoutla," said Morelos Governor Grasso Ramires. 71 deaths have been reported in this State.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump had a telephone conversation with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

A few days ago, an earthquake measuring 8,1 on the Richter scale struck Mexico, leaving 90 dead.

According to the BBC, Tuesday's earthquake does not seem to be related to that of September 7.

More than 500 members of the military along with 200 police and volunteers are offering their assistance.

The deadly quake struck just hours before the 32nd anniversary of the quake, which flattened much of the Mexican capital.

On September 19, 1985, early in the morning, an 8-magnitude earthquake killed 10.000 people.

Mexico is one of the most seismic regions in the world, as it is located on three of the largest tectonic plates on Earth - the North American, Coconut and Pacific plates.

The Mexican government advises citizens to stay away from windows and objects that are in danger of falling and not to use elevators.
