Critical electoral contest in Spain

AC75FA7BC2B9B275F4FA564B1C188ADF ΕιδήσειςThe main contenders are the Socialist candidate Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba and the head of the People's party Mariano Rajoy Spain elects new prime minister as markets "hit" mercilessly and lead the country with mathematical precision into the… arms of the Rescue Mechanism…

What is certain is that the Spaniards are called upon to choose the leader who will try to get their country out of the crisis, with the polls giving him the undisputed favorite. Mariano Rajoy, which, however, obviously does not have magic solutions to reduce the explosive dimensions of unemployment, which now reaches 22%, nor to reduce the deficit quickly and painlessly. Basically he can not even commit that the country will not accept a "supervision" in its fiscal, in a nutshell to follow the path of neighboring Portugal, Ireland and of course Greece!

In any case the successor of the socialist Jose Luis Rodriguez Tapatero, who has announced his departure from the political scene, is called upon to face the markets that do not seem willing to let Spain breathe.

At the same time, the 56-year-old leader of the center-right party, who seems to be taking over the reins of the country, is called upon to give hope - and ask for time - to the outraged Spaniards. Not only those of Piazza del Sol, but almost all the inhabitants of the country of the Iberian Peninsula, who are "boiling" with rage for the continuous austerity measures, the new taxes and the. Zero, temporary, result of their sacrifices.

The new Prime Minister of Spain will hardly be able to avoid taking new measures of "fiscal consolidation", especially now that the country's borrowing costs are becoming less and less "sustainable" with the latest bond issue exceeding the interest rate of 7%.

The same Back referred to its "first 100 days", promised "doubling of deficit reduction efforts" and a series of emergency budgetary measures. Something that does not sound pleasant to the ears of the voters at all!

On the contrary, Mr. Back He promised that as soon as he appoints the government's financial staff, he will automatically impose tax exemptions on the companies that hire employees and spoke about taking specific measures to stimulate business activity. Source: FIRST SUBJECT