Paracetamol is responsible for pediatric asthma

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Paracetamol use can lead to worse asthma attacks, even in the disease itself. New research, the results of which were published in the medical journal Pediatrics, shows that the known painkiller can increase the risk of developing asthma in children by 60%… 

The study was conducted by Professor John McBride of the Akron Pediatric Clinic in Ohio, who looked at data from 520.000 children from fifty-four different countries. His team members say that according to findings in children between the ages of six and seven, the risk increases by 60% when they take the drug at least once a year, but less than once a month, while it triples in children. who receive it at least once a month.

Dr. McBride says he has decided to publish his findings so that pediatricians, given the role of paracetamol in causing asthma, stop using the substance contained in many acetaminophen-containing painkillers to fight fever or others. Alternatively they may administer other, equally potent analgesics.

In the older ones, the findings of another study, which involved teens over the age of fourteen, showed that those who, if they used paracetamol at least once a month, doubled their risk of developing asthma.
