The benefits of beer for the body

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blogger image 1285401748 Little Secrets

Sun, summer, high temperatures and an… ice cold beer are the perfect combination!

Unlike other high-sugar beverages, beer is considered by many to be one of the healthiest choices in terms of alcohol consumption.

According to researchers, beer can protect the body from Alzheimer's, help in weight loss, and even balance the levels of hormones in the body.

So what are the benefits of beer for the body?

Rich in vitamins

"Beer contains a lot of nutrients," Dr Stephan Domenig told the Daily Mail. "To be precise, it contains all the essential amino acids for the body."

In addition, it contains structural proteins and minerals such as phosphorus, iodine, magnesium and potassium. Beer is still rich in calcium and could benefit your bones as well.

A 2009 study by Tufts University in the US found that moderate beer consumption could protect bone density.

"Disappears" the abdomen

While rich in vitamins, beer has a low sugar content, high levels of which have been linked to diabetes and obesity.

A can of soft drink contains seven teaspoons of sugar, while a glass of beer contains only one.
"Compared to soft drinks, it contains much less sugar. "Beer is also 93% water and therefore very moisturizing," added nutritionist Dr Kathryn O'Sullivan.

In fact, moderate beer consumption can help prevent diabetes. According to a 2010 study of 38.000 men in the United States, when participants who drank very rarely beer increased their intake to 1-2 glasses a day, after four years they had a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes up to by 25%.

And despite the danger of the so-called "belly", a study by the University of London on 2.000 people who drank beer very often showed that moderate beer consumption is unlikely to be associated with weight gain.

"Beer increases bile production, which helps digest fatty foods. "Also, it is high in fiber - two glasses provide 10-30% of the recommended daily allowance," continued Dr. Domenig.

Prevention against Alzheimer's

According to research, beer can help prevent Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's disease has been linked to high levels of aluminum, but the silicone in beer can compensate.

A 2008 study published in the journal Food And Chemical Toxicology reported that silicone may reduce the absorption of aluminum from the digestive tract and slow its accumulation in the body and brain tissue.

Consumption in moderation… and to our health!