Secrets of longevity

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The world's oldest woman passed away last week. Besse Cooper lived to be 116 years old. What was the secret of her longevity? "I do not eat junk food and I do not care about what others do," she said.

But according to experts, as the Daily Mail writes, there are many more ways to… save a few more years of life!

Read a magazine upside down.
When one goes out of one's "safety zone" - for example when reading a magazine upside down - the brain is "stressed" resulting in the destruction of cells. To fight this "damage" the body eventually "repairs" what is wasting time, says anti-aging expert Dr Marios Kyriazis.

Eat something red.
"A red pepper contains more vitamin C than an orange. "Beetroot contains substances that help" relax "blood vessels, and tomatoes contain lycopene - a powerful antioxidant - especially when cooked, which protects against cancer, heart disease and other health problems," says Dr. Susan Jebb from the research center. of Cambridge.

Run a mile as fast as you can.
Eight minutes is a good time for men and nine minutes for women. But if you try to run it in 10 minutes (or 12 for women) you are 30% more likely to develop heart disease, say researchers at the Cooper Institute in Texas.

Eat a banana.
Reduce blood pressure (and the risk of stroke and heart disease) by increasing your intake of potassium-rich foods such as bananas, fruit juices and dried fruits.

Make seats.
This exercise "works" many muscles and is good for your body. After all, when you grow up you will want to be able to get up from a chair or toilet bowl on your own.

Drink a cup of tea every day.
Reduces stress hormone levels and improves survival rates after a heart attack by 28%.

And some more ways to live happy birthday:

Go to bed an hour earlier.

Drink probiotic yogurts.

Floss your teeth every day.

Take breaths using a straw.

Keep your home clean.

Do not be afraid that the worst will happen to you.

You walk every day.

Put less food on your plate.

Hang out with people who follow a healthy lifestyle.

Do gardening.

Add another onion to your food.

Drink milk.

Keep fruit out of the refrigerator.

Have sex at least twice a week.

Climb the stairs.

Do exercises for your biceps.


Eat prunes.

Drink a glass of wine in the evening.

Forget salted nuts.

Do yoga.

Chew your food 20 times.

Reduce the amount of salt you consume.

Make children.

Do not watch TV late at night.

