Agioi Anargyri: The family of Kyriaki is asking for an investigation into the omissions of the police

He filed a series of requests

7 3 1 Agioi Anargyri, police officers, SUNDAY, criminal responsibilities

An investigation in every direction to bring justice to the memory of 28-year-old Kyriaki, who was murdered outside the police station of Agios Anargyro, is requested by the victim's family with its presence both at the stage of the investigative process and at the stage of the investigation for any criminal responsibilities police agencies.

The announcement of the lawyers

The advocates of Kyriakis Griva's mother and sister, Elena Tzoulis and Yiannis Apatsidis, state the following:

1. The investigative process, against the murderer of Kyriaki Griva, is ongoing by the Investigator of the 25th Department of Athens, Mr. Panagiota Spanou, before whom important requests were made in support of the charge.

"The perpetrator pleads that he was not conscious of what he had done, instead of accepting that he was an unconscious and cowardly cowardly criminal, who stabbed the victim in the back, with the tolerance of the police," state the lawyers

2. An Expert Psychiatrist was appointed to rule on the questions raised about his mental health, since once again a feminicide pleads that he was not conscious of his actions, instead of accepting that he was an unconscious and cowardly criminal, who stabbed the victim in the back, tolerating the police. In this context, specific requests were submitted, also to ensure the Integrity and Impartiality of the process.

3. On Friday, 19.4, the mother of the murdered Kyriaki Griva was summoned, to testify under oath, before the officers of the Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Hellas.

4. During the investigation by the Directorate of Internal Affairs of ELAS, it will be requested to investigate, in addition to the breach of duty that is already being investigated, the crimes of homicide by omission by the police, attempted abuse of power, embezzlement of documents , in the sense of the improper export of the camera material, and any other more correct legal characterization. The same crimes can be confirmed during the interrogation stage, in which case the competent female Investigator will apply article 250 of the Criminal Code accordingly, according to her judgment and conscience, for informing the competent Prosecutor's Office with her report.

5. After the end of the above proceedings, the Greek Citizens should be assured that the Greek Police, on the one hand, will not operate in an illegal manner, when the citizen resorts to the Authorities as his last refuge, on the other hand, that no one will remain unchecked, regardless of the property and his rank. We are sure that the Greek Justice will crack down on any kind of emerging criminal behavior.
