All the pieces of the puzzle of the brutal murder of 28-year-old Kyriaki Griva outside the police station of Agios Anargyro are trying to be put together by the authorities in order to fully capture the circumstances under which the incident occurred and to highlight the mistakes and omissions of the police officers involved.
Through the data collected from the investigation and the statements received, it appears that the 28-year-old remained in the department for approximately 5 minutes, from 22.10 to 22.15. She talked to the police and asked for a patrol car to accompany her home. The police officers told her that this is not possible and urged her to call 100.
The point from the testimony of the service officer who was on duty that day and who, in front of her colleagues, stated that "My colleague explained to her that at that time there was no department patrol car available to take her to her house and I told her that she cannot get into a patrol car, unless 100 is called, in order to give a meeting point or her house or the police station, so that they can go to her house together."
Sunday then asked how long it would take for a patrol car to arrive with the officers telling her they didn't know how long it would take.
"We explained to her that we don't know exactly how long it takes to come. She told us she would take the 100 and left with the man they came with. If you ask me this conversation lasted about 5 minutes, so the time they left must have been 22.15pm. As she was leaving, I saw her on the cameras crossing the corridor in front of the department's watchtower talking on her cell phone and leaving with the man I told you about," she described.
From this point onwards, the countdown began for the girl's death since the perpetrator was lurking outside the department and was determined to take her life. As the duty officer reported, “after they left, my colleague and I stayed in the office and talked, while the police officer went to her office. After about 3-4 minutes, I heard a man yelling 'help, he's killing her, he's killing her'."
In other words, the 28-year-old visited the department, expressed her concerns, asked for help and after a few minutes she was murdered. At the same time the ward guard was inside the canopy and did nothing to help her as, as he reported, he did not notice the slightest thing. In other words, it is a spiral of actions from which serious questions arise that must be answered. The main question is of course one. How can a citizen be murdered in front of a police station where there are officers who already know he is in danger.
The perpetrator pleads mental illness
For his part, the killer of the 28-year-old girl pleads mental illness and follows the line "I don't know and I don't remember anything".
After his confession yesterday Thursday (4/4) the investigator and the Prosecutor decided that the perpetrator should be taken to the Psychiatric Clinic of the prison.
The 39-year-old was taken to the investigative office after 13.00:XNUMX p.m., with bandages on his head due to, according to doctors, minor self-inflicted wounds after the crime.
According to the defense of the accused, the perpetrator of the murder was not able to give answers to the judicial officer about what happened on Monday night when he attacked and stabbed his ex-partner. So he remained in the investigative office for a few minutes, where he allegedly told the judicial officer that "I don't remember what has happened. Today I learned that I did something wrong on Sunday."
However, it was handed over by his lawyer, a memorandum where the 39-year-old invokes "serious and chronic mental illnesses" for which, as it is claimed, he has been hospitalized seven times in the last ten years. As the defendant seems to state, he has been diagnosed with serious mental illnesses, the result of which was to suffer psychotic episodes.
Based on the 39-year-old's allegations, the defense is asking for either a no charge or a reduced charge.
Among other things, as he allegedly claimed, in addition to Dafni and Attikon, he was also treated in private clinics. The accused also allegedly claimed that he has been diagnosed with serious mental illnesses, which have also caused him psychotic episodes.
Furthermore, in his memorandum he claimed that he has been prescribed strong psychotropic drugs, more than 10, and that he has made two suicide attempts. In this context, the defendant requested an unaccountable or reduced imputation.