Facebook Groups: New design with Timeline features and clearer content

Facebook has made clear its intentions to extend the new Timeline look to as many aspects of its social network as possible. After its integration in the Brand Pages, this time it decided to slightly "renovate" the Facebook Groups… 

What you will definitely notice at first glance is the large image but Timeline at the top of the page. In case the Group administrator does not select an image, a collage of the profile photos of its members is automatically displayed with priority to those who posted more recently on the page.

The second big change is the "What should people post in this group" function, with which administrators dictate to members what they can post and where by providing them with a basic command line for the proper functioning of the Group. This way, unpleasant situations such as incessant annoying notifications are avoided.

Finally, with the new look, the members, events, photos, links and discussion topics of the Group are now clearer. The new features are already available to all users.

Source: techcrunch