Strict message from the State Department to Ankara

steit ntipartment USA, Syria, Turkey, RESOLUTION

A message to Ankara that it must immediately de-escalate its military operations in Afrin in order to comply with a recent UN resolution calling on all parties involved to cease hostilities inside Syrian territory was sent by Σ τ........

"I urge Turkey to read this resolution, the unanimously agreed resolution on Saturday," he said.

Answering a relevant question, the spokeswoman stressed that if one looks at the map one will find that Afrin is inside Syria, thus implying that this area is included in the temporary ceasefire provided for in the relevant UN Security Council resolution.

Resolution 2401, adopted unanimously on Saturday by the fifteen member states of the UN Security Council, calls for an immediate 30-day ceasefire throughout Syria.

The resolution, however, leaves room for the continuation of military operations linked to the war on terror, as it does not provide for a ceasefire for attacks on certain jihadist groups and organizations (Islamic State, Al Qaeda / Al Nusra).

These "entities" are defined by the Security Council itself and for this reason Ms. Nowert hastened to clarify that the exceptions are very specific and leave no room for misinterpretation in the case of Afrin.

"I believe the resolution was clear on the names of the groups considered to be free from the ceasefire," he said.
Nevertheless, the Turkish army appears to be continuing its unhindered military activity in Afrin, in violation of the Security Council resolution.

The incident provoked a reaction from French President Emanuel Macron, who in a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed the need for a ceasefire to be "immediately and fully respected", clarifying that his ceasefire must be applied immediately "to the whole of Syrian territory".

