Unbelievable: Confuse Positive Coronavirus Test with… Pregnancy

Aunt who saw the coronavirus test thought that her niece was pregnant, so she hurried to congratulate her.

RapidTest rapidtest, PREGNANCY

Unbelievable and yet true! An adorable aunt went viral on social media when she congratulated her niece on a positive coronavirus test, thinking it was a pregnancy test.

Holly Baxter visited her family in the United Kingdom for the Christmas holidays.

The young girl uploaded the positive coronavirus test to her personal account on Social Media.

"Just 4 days on Plague Island and…" the young woman wrote in the comment of the photo.

Her beloved aunt did not miss the opportunity and gave her "congratulations", as she thought it was a pregnancy test.

"Oh, how wonderful. "This is so great news for the whole family," the aunt commented under the photo.

"My sweet aunt" Holly commented under her post, with what goes viral and gathers thousands of likes.

"When I explained to her that I was only pregnant with the Omicron virus, my aunt wished me well," the young girl told the Independent.