Egypt: Rage for video of a naked couple climbing the Pyramid of Cheops

181208 Pyramid WEATHER, Pyramid of Cheops

Prosecution investigation for the provocative video

A video showing a couple climbing the Pyramid of Cheops in Giza and undressing has angered Egyptians, according to state media.

The three-minute video, which has caused a lot of comments on social media, shows a man and a woman climbing the Great Pyramid of Giza with Cairo in the background. When they reach the top, the video shows the woman taking off her shirt and ending with an image showing them naked hugging.

Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Anani referred the case to the Attorney General for investigation. "In connection with this video released last night, which shows two aliens climbing the pyramid at night and then an image that violates public morals, we intend to discover the truth and act accordingly," he said.

The video was reportedly uploaded to YouTube on Wednesday by Danish photographer Andreas Hvid, who posts images of different locations from famous monuments around the world and many contain nudity. However, it seems that in the meantime the video was downloaded by Hvid.

Climbing the pyramids is punishable by law in Egypt even if it does not involve nude photography. The video and the act have been criticized by the Egyptians as it records a violation of the laws of Egypt and its conservative society.
