What happened to cats and dogs in Britain and they turned blue

What happened to cats and dogs in Britain and they turned blue

Other animals also changed color

The cause of the "evil" was a fire that took hold of bags of ink powder - They did not even escape roofs, chairs and other items
Residents of Clacton, Essex, England were surprised to see cats, dogs and bunnies μπροστά painted blue!

How did this happen and did the cute animals look like they came from the Smurfs or the Avatar? According to the BBC, the cause of the "evil" was a fire that broke out on a boat and in a small, wooden storage area, on Thursday night.

However, seven bags were wrapped in the flames, which were next to the place where the fire broke out and contained blue ink dust. The bags were opened and large amounts of dust were released into the air.

So this dust "sat" on the hair of several pets. 

A resident of the area told the BBC that he found that something was wrong when he saw the first blue animal.

"It is not uncommon to see a blue cat sitting on the street. "My sweetie looked like a smurf", he emphasized characteristically.

Officials say there is absolutely no risk to public health, while several cats have already been washed but the color will gradually fade in the coming days.

However, the houses did not escape the paint either, with roofs, chairs and other objects turning blue.
