The couple who rebroadcast their sex life online reveals

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"In a society ready to share everything, why should sex remain hidden?"

There is a couple from Mexico City who want to bring about the "sexual revolution on social media", allowing the planet to take a look at its most personal moments.

Fernanda Vasconcelos and her partner Walter Gutierrez upload their sexual cases on the website Make Love Not Porn, which hosts exclusively amateur sex users.

"It's to show how real people have sex in real life and to break down the stereotypes and misconceptions that come from popping," says Walter, adding: "It's like a sexual utopia where people have no taboos or boundaries or walls between them. They are just real people who enjoy, they are themselves and they get the most they can ".

The couple, who electronically sign as "Efi and Walter", have been together for 11 years and have even revealed their online activity to friends and colleagues, though not to their religious parents. Not yet, at least. And they say that transmitting their sex to the whole world makes them feel strong, "allowing Efi to get in touch with her sexuality".

The couple learned about the amateur porn video platform Make Love Not Porn in 2013, when owner Cindy Gallop spoke at TED Talk about her inspiration. "When I found out about Make Love Not Porn, I thought it could help other women search and find out exactly what sex is," says Fernanda.

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