Turkey: They photographed the palace and arrested them

The Israeli couple is accused of espionage

vosporos turkey Erdogan, Israelis, Turkey, handcuffs

A Israeli couple was arrested in Turkey as suspected of espionage, as he photographed the residence of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry said on Thursday it was aware of the incident, according to haaretz.

According to articles in the Turkish media, everythingWhen the couple took the photo, he was in a restaurant in Istanbul. A waiter reportedly reported them to the police. However, according to the couple's lawyer, the photo was taken from a ship.

The investigation was handed over to Turkey's counterterrorism service, according to reports, adding that the couple is expected to appear in court today.

What the Israeli lawyer says

The Israeli couple, accused of espionage, allegedly sent the photo to WhatsApp, writing "Look at Erdogan's house. See how beautiful it is ".

"Arresting my clients is unnecessary," the couple's lawyer said, adding: "Their only offense is that they are photographing Erdogan's palace during an innocent boat trip. "This is a rare case in which the foreign minister must do everything he can to ensure that Israeli citizens are not detained across the border (of Israel) without any mistake of their own."
