They "cut" the bureaucracy for the cameras - When will we see them

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A step aimed at placing the Traffic Cameras more directly was taken on Wednesday by the Council of Ministers. At the suggestion of the Minister of Transport, Vasiliki Anastasiadou, who took matters into her own hands, it was decided that there should be a shortage in the bureaucracy, which, if followed, would be time-consuming.

In practice, this means that no time will be spent on the sustainability and reciprocity studies required by a Public-Private Partnership project, something that will be included in the technical terms of the offer.

This development based on official factors offers the possibility for the announcement of the offers to be made at the beginning of 2019 and the first cameras to be placed at the end of the new year. Before the announcement of the offers, however, the selection of the consultants who will prepare the terms of the offer will occur.

The first cameras can be installed but project… will take two years and all will be installed by 2021. As it became known, 110 cameras will be installed of which 90 fixed and 20 mobile. All cameras will be placed in places deemed necessary based on a study.

It is noted that the cameras will photograph driver violations for speeding, red light violation and mobile phone use).

