Aviation / Airport Representatives: Call for end to EU travel measures

"The population's immunity is at such levels that the risk of hospitalization or death has been dramatically reduced"

bb aerodromio

Airlines and airport representatives and carriers on Friday called for an end to anti-pandemic measures for European domestic flights, as many countries began easing restrictive measures.

"The COVID-19", and in particular the Omicron variant, is now pervasive throughout Europe and the population's immunity is at such levels that the risk of morbidity or death has been dramatically reduced, especially for vaccinated individuals," ACI Europe and ΙΑΤΑ.

ACI Europe, which represents about 500 airports in Europe, and IATA, the leading airline trade association, have noted that many countries have now withdrawn requirements for citizens to wear masks in public or provide proof of vaccination to participate. at social events.

"As European countries lift restrictions, it makes sense for airlines to lift similar restrictions," they said. Traders are calling for the removal of requirements for negative COVID tests and the submission of traveler tracking forms, as well as for masked flights between European countries that do not require it in public places.

"This (measure) will free people up to travel and support jobs," said Rafael Schvartzman, IATA Regional Vice President for Europe.