The number of people with Omicron mutation in Cyprus increased to five

A total of 17 coronavirus positives were detected, with the Omicron mutation being detected in five of them.

F5FA790A E60C 4722 BCD3 B7D32696C5DF Cases, Omicron Mutation

Two more people tested positive for the Omicron mutation, from the same school unit, after the three cases that were announced to be detected yesterday with a travel history. A total of 17 coronavirus positives were detected, with the Omicron mutation being detected in five of them.

According to the Ministry of Health, 300 people have already gone to the school unit in Limassol to undergo a laboratory test and by 15.00 the rest of the family is expected to complete the PCR examination.

According to the procedure, a PCR test is performed and if a positive is found, an examination follows in a special machine located in Cyprus. The machine indicates if it is an omicron mutation and then a sequence is performed for confirmation.

The three students who tested positive for Omicron are in isolation at Eden Resort in Tersefanou. In addition to the area in Tersefanou there are other hotels for people who may be restricted. The Ministry of Health announced that it will issue a relevant announcement later.