Hoteliers do not find staff - Request for employment of foreign students

bell hotel 0 0 Hotels, UXEKA, SEC

Hoteliers request relaxations in the employment criteria of foreign students from third countries - Meeting on Monday at the Ministry. Working

The hoteliers are reiterating their request for employment of foreign students from third countries in the hotel industry, as they claim that there is a lack of trained and non-human resources this year as well.

Hoteliers are also reportedly seeking new permits to import foreign workers to address shortages in what they say are occupations in various professions, such as maids and washers, while leisure center owners make a similar request. It is noted that today foreign students from third countries are allowed to work for internships in hotels and leisure centers only three months in the summer at certain times of the week and under certain other conditions. The request of the hoteliers' associations is to remove some of the restrictions that exist today and to allow them to be employed more hours per week, from about 20 today, but also for a longer period of time in order to address the shortcomings that are observed. On Monday, the Minister of Labor invited to a meeting representatives of PASYXE, STEK, the owners of leisure centers, but also the unions SEK, PEO and DEOK in order to examine the situation.

On alert

Already, however, the hoteliers' request seems to meet with the reaction of the trade union movement, which since last year has been accusing the employer of "starvation wages" offered through personal contracts in the hotel industry, to which wages are "loaded" by unions and shortages. interest in employment. The unions also accuse the hoteliers of not enforcing the collective agreements - which expire at the end of the year - nor of the regulations that legally guarantee the rights of hotel employees. Regarding the situation in the hotels, the Federation of Hotel Employees SEC (UXEKA-SEC) has already called on its members to be on alert. The issue was considered last Monday by the general council of UXEKA, which "decided to vigorously claim the rights of the staff deriving from the collective agreement". According to the "Labor Voice", the secretary general of UXEKA - SEC Miltiadis Miltiadou informed that there is contact with PEO and that "we will willingly claim, like a fist, the rights of hotel employees". It is noted that the situation in the hotel industry in general is also on the agenda of the Labor Advisory Board, which meets next Tuesday.


Source: Citizen