Police warn of malware - What you need to know

How it spreads and what to do

b ransomeware Police, software

Ransomware is malware that is secretly installed on the victim's device (computer, cell phone, tablet) and holds its data hostage. In this way, criminals block the victim from accessing some or all of his or her computer data. They even ask the victim to pay them a ransom so that they can release the computer and the victim can recover his data.

How does it spread?

Ransomware software spreads in various ways on our devices. That is why we must always be very careful.

It is essential for the security of our data, to create and maintain regular copies of our data (Backup) in the cloud or on an external drive. These copies should not be stored on the internal disk, but only on an external device, which you will not have permanently connected to your computer.

For the security of your mobile devices, you only download applications from certified app stores. It is also a good idea to download and install security applications on your device, which can protect it from all threats.

Make sure your operating system and device security software are always up to date. Be aware that criminals are looking for and exploiting any security vulnerabilities in the devices.

Do not open addresses or attachments sent to you by suspicious emails that you may have received. Also be very careful when surfing the internet. Avoid visiting unsafe websites and do not click on pop-ups or instant messages. Emails and websites, which look suspicious or too good to be true, should be treated with great care and caution.

It is equally important that we be careful not to give anyone the rights of administrator of our device.

Are you infected? What to do

If your device is infected with ransomware and some data or your device is locked, do not panic. Disconnect your device from the internet as soon as possible to prevent the infection from spreading.

Do not pay the ransom that criminals may ask you for. If you do, you will fund them so that they can continue their illegal work. At the same time, however, there is no one who can guarantee that if the ransom is paid, the criminals will "release" your device. In many cases, despite the ransom, the criminals returned with new claims for more money.

Source: Announcements