And yet! We will see the Cypriot prisons on Netflix

1kentrikes filakes NETFLIX, Central Prisons

What the director of the Prisons, Anna Aristotelous, said

After the second proposal accepted by the management of the Cyprus prisons from the popular online platform, the discussions are progressing and so until January we are expected to see them in a series on prisons around the world.

The proposal was made some time ago, but the prison administration asked for time to thoroughly consider the matter. However, pay-TV returned, instructing its Greek representative in Cyprus to negotiate with the prison administration.

It is important to note that the prisons of our country were chosen to be presented because of the humanitarian model of treatment of prisoners that is followed, in contrast to other prisons that follow the punitive model.

Mylife contacted the prison management, who confirmed the news and told us that if the deal is closed, filming is expected to begin in December.

In fact, the director Mrs. Anna Aristotelous, stated in this regard: "The fact that such a large production makes us such a proposal, is a great honor, as at the same time the recognition of the work done in our prisons at the international level, which is based on humanitarian approach ”.

Source: Μ