CYPRUS: What will it judge if we go to new relaxations or tightening of measures

What do they say about the formation of the recommendations of the epidemiological team for the follow-up

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The results of the illegal gatherings during the Limassol carnival, as well as the relaxations, which came into force last week, and will start to be seen from Tuesday, March 23, the Epidemiological Team expects in order to formulate its suggestions for download decisions either to further tighten the measures or to relax them.

According to information from KYPE, during the meeting of epidemiologists next Tuesday, the epidemiological picture will be evaluated, while announcements for new measures are expected to be made on Tuesday or Wednesday, March 30 or 31, respectively.

Also, in Tuesday's meeting, the issue of increasing the number or complete abolition of sms will be discussed.

In addition, the request of the Organized Parents is expected to be put on the table, for the return of the High School students to their desks, before April 2nd.

Already, the Head of the Scientific Committee, Konstantinos Tsioutis, held meetings with educational institutions, during which a constructive dialogue was held for the opening of the schools.

According to the same information, although the results of the last few days show an increase in the daily positive cases, however, the positivity index is declining, eliminating or even ruling out the possibility of a new lockdown.

It is noted that the decree with the current measures expires on March 31, 2021.