Ministry of Health: The epidemiological picture at the center of the meeting with the experts

The Minister of Health, Michalis Hadjipandela, and the members of the Scientific Advisory Committee will attend today a meeting, which is scheduled for 2.30 pm

09e15aa3 04a9 4905 98ff dbd0f22973bd 1 epidemiological picture, meeting, MINISTRY OF HEALTH

The Minister of Health, Michalis Hadjipandela, and the members of the Scientific Advisory Committee will attend today a meeting, scheduled for 2.30 pm, in order to evaluate the epidemiological picture, while the experts are expected to put suggestions on the table for new stricter measures. , which will be used -if and if- the situation worsens.

As KYPE reported yesterday, according to secure information, the further tightening of the measures against the spread of the coronavirus is ruled out for the time being. The same sources speak of a waiting stop by the Ministry of Health, until they deliver the new stricter measures, taken on January 5, 2022.

As a competent source stated in KYPE, during the meeting of the Minister of Health with the epidemiologists, the situation will be evaluated in the current phase, to note that "the next 24 hours are critical".

He also said that the Ministry of Health will closely monitor the epidemiological picture in the coming days and will decide accordingly whether the measures will be tightened or not.

The same source emphasizes that the tightening of the measures is something that is not considered at the moment, while he notes that less than a week has passed since the new stricter measures were taken (January 5) and it takes time for them to pay off.

He also states that at this stage the situation is stable and manageable in public hospitals, however, he adds that tomorrow will be put on the table suggestions for more stringent measures, in case the situation goes away and there is a rapid increase in hospitalizations.