Jason remains in the Philippines - "Another country would make war on one of its citizens"

The issue of the return of 18-year-old Jason, who remains trapped in the Philippines with expired travel documents, remains unresolved.

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The issue of the return of 18-year-old Jason, who remains trapped in the Philippines with expired travel documents, remains unresolved.

At noon and something, his father Giannis Kynigopoulos was hosted, who stated that so far there has been no development in the case.

He initially thanked the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Christodoulidis and his assistant, while he added that the problem is not in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but in the Directorate of Consular Affairs.

He added that the competent office did not show the necessary zeal for Jason to return to Cyprus.

He explained that since 2010 he has been feeding his child with money for food, rent and whatever else he needs. He said he contacted the British Embassy in the Philippines and they appointed him a lawyer, while he contacted Immigration, where he was informed that if Jason's passport is not renewed, nothing will change in the case.

Mr. Kynigopoulos stated that there is no Consul in the Philippines. "They want to get him a Filipino passport. "If a representative of the Consulate goes to the Philippines, he will be in Cyprus in a week."

At the same time, he stated that three years ago he was sent a letter from Stratology, while after that the Police took his statement. "Six months ago they sent me another letter saying that he should go to the army, while they also issued an arrest warrant for him."

As for the mother, she said she was at an unknown address in Saudi Arabia. "Why did the authorities let her go with Jason, while she was holding over 75.000 euros", he wondered.

Mr. Kynigopoulos stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had mediated so that Jason could receive financial assistance of 300 euros per month, while within eight months he received 900 euros.

Finally, he reported that Jason was suffering. "Another country would go to war to repatriate a citizen."

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