State Aid Plan for Voluntary Organizations and Institutions - Complete the application

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The Ministry of Health announces the State Aid Plan based on Decision 2012/21 EU, for the provision of Services of General Economic Interest for 2022 and invites the Voluntary Organizations and Institutions to express interest, to submit applications for grant of their programs. According to the Plan, the aid limit exceeds € 500.000, per three years, per company.

The announcement, the Draft, the Application Form and the relevant Annexes will be posted on the website of the Ministry of Health ( and those interested can fill in the relevant application.

The application together with the accompanying documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Application under the State Aid Plan under Decision 2012/21 EU of the Ministry of Health for the provision of Services of General Economic Interest" to Mr. Paraskeva Antoniou, at 6th floor of the Ministry of Health, no later than Wednesday 31 August 2022. Late applications will not be accepted.

Any concession of state sponsorship will be done by transfer to a bank account. For this purpose, along with the application, the completed authorization form for the registration of a remittance must be sent, which has also been posted on the website of the Ministry of Health.