Self test: Available only for those who did not receive them-A second batch is coming

More than 300 thousand self tests were given to pharmacies across Cyprus for the beneficiaries

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More than 300 thousand self-tests were given to pharmacies across Cyprus for the beneficiaries, however, according to the Ministry of Health, until January 20, they will be able to receive them by people who failed to obtain them in the first phase.

Specifically, speaking on state radio, the spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Konstantinos Athanassiou, explained that the available packages concern citizens who failed to secure the first package and will be able to do so until January 20.

Within the next few days, the Ministry of Health will announce the date for making the second batch available to all citizens, he clarified.

According to Mr. Athanassiou, a total of 310 thousand self tests were received and there will always be receipts for availability.