The two scenarios for opening the restaurant - Possibility of increasing the sms (VIDEO)

Karagiannis: "Strict measures are being taken to reopen them"

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Against the background of the aggravated epidemiological picture, experts and political leadership are called to determine the course of the restrictive measures.

The member of the Advisory Scientific Committee, Professor of Microbiology / Molecular Virology of the Medical School of the University of Nicosia, Dr. Petros Karagiannis, stated that "I see no reason not to open them, as we are. It is being processed for strict measures in their reopening ".

Based on the existing plans, the restaurants will open on March 16. On the table, according to information, are two scenarios.

The first scenario envisages reopening with a maximum number of people indoors at 75 and outdoors at 125.

As far as the bars are concerned, it is not excluded that food serving will become mandatory.

The second and strictest scenario for the opening of the restaurant envisages, in the first phase, the reopening only of the external spaces of the premises.

As long as the opening of the dining areas proceeds, the possibility of increasing the sms to three remains open, as well as the extension of the traffic hours either until 10 or until 11 at night.

Watch the video: 

Source: Sigmalive