Grief for the 42-year-old Thekla who lost her life after the thromboembolic event (IMAGES)

The 42-year-old leaves behind a wife and a child

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The death of 42-year-old Thekla Dimitriou, like a thunderbolt in the air, passed away after a thromboembolic event a few months after her vaccination.

Read also: What does the father of the unfortunate Thekla who "left" from a thromboembolic episode say (VIDEO)

The personal doctor of the unfortunate 42-year-old sent a yellow card to the Pharmaceutical Services, emphasizing that the death of Thekla Dimitriou is connected with the vaccination.

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Earlier today, the Deputy Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Elena Panagiotopoulou in her intervention on his show ANT1 "Mera Mesimeri", stated the following:

"At 07:47 in the morning we had received a yellow card for the incident from the personal doctor… He believes that it may be related to the vaccination", said Ms. Panagiotopoulou.

He pointed out that for their part they must gather all the information they need, so that they have in front of them all the data required for a thorough investigation of the specific incident, since once the Pharmaceutical Services have been reported, they must investigate the incident.

Regarding the fact that the yellow card was sent two months after the vaccination of the 42-year-old, Ms. Papadopoulou noted that usually the reports are made 2 to 3 months after the vaccination, however the Pharmaceutical Services must investigate the incident and they will do so.

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Her funeral will be held on Wednesday, June 30, at the church of the Transfiguration of the Savior, in the settlement of Anthoupolis at 10:00 a.m. The family will not accept condolences and contributions will be made instead of wreaths. The 42-year-old leaves behind a wife and a child.