S. Levent appealed to the UN for help

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Sener Levent called for help from the United Nations and those Cypriots who love peace and freedom.

In a written statement, it states that Africa disagrees with the Afrin war, which it describes as Turkey 's second invasion of a foreign country, after the invasion of Cyprus in 1974. Turkey "baptized", he says, this war and invasion, as a “peaceful intervention”.
In both cases, he points out, these are bloody wars and he wonders when wars are called peace.
Referring to Erdogan's call for his supporters to give the necessary response, Sener Levent said the Turkish president was asking the mob to attack the newspaper.
He blamed Erdogan for any unintended developments, including the newspaper.
With today's front page, "Africa" ​​came back fiercer, with direct shots against the Turkish president.
He publishes a photo of Erdogan, characteristically stating: "You call it conquest, we call it occupation! You call it war, we call it peace! Do you want to applaud the bloodshed? Do not expect anything! "Your culture of lynching will not pass to ours, the Cypriot one".

Source: KYPE


Source: RIK News