Looking at the 2nd round, the 13th Presidential Elections

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The people of Cyprus are going to the polls today to elect the eighth president of the Republic of Cyprus. Nine candidates are vying for the top job.

If none of the candidates manages to get the 50 percent plus one vote, there will be a run-off vote next Sunday, February 4th.
The polls will be open from seven in the morning until six in the afternoon, with a one-hour break at noon.
The chairperson of each polling station may extend the voting hours, if necessary, until 9 pm at the latest, provided that there are voters who have arrived in time to vote.
At the end of the voting, the results of the exit from the ballot box will be announced, while around eight and thirty is expected to clarify the final result.
550 thousand, 876 citizens have the right to vote, including 283 trapped and 657 Turkish Cypriots.
Voters can vote either with their ID or with their ballot paper. Excluded are those trapped, who can provide any document of the Republic with their identity.
A total of one thousand eighty-four polling stations will operate in Cyprus, while 38 will operate abroad, with 11 voters.
Today's presidential elections are the thirteenth in the history of the Republic of Cyprus.

Editor: Maria Loukaidou


Source: RIK News