Junk food accelerates the appearance of damage to the brain

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The function of our brain finally passes through our stomach! Another study showed that a diet rich in vitamins and fish can protect the brain from the aging process. In contrast, junk food has been found to accelerate the onset of age-related brain damage. 

Older people with high levels of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids in their blood show less shrinkage of the brain and better mental function. mental function and cause greater shrinkage of the brain.

The above conclusions came from the analysis of blood samples collected by American scientists from 104 healthy people with an average age of 87 years. Those who had more vitamins B, C, D and E in their blood performed better on memory tests, as did those who ate a lot of fish.

Those who appeared to have more trans fats in the blood performed lower. "These results need to be confirmed, but it is very exciting to see that people can stop shrinking their brains by adjusting their diet," said lead researcher Gene Bowman.

Source: ygeianews.gr