And yet, there is a competition to stay in the… coffin

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Can you stand 30 macabre hours for $ 300?

Halloween is coming to a close and a good part of the world is getting ready to welcome it.

Like Six Flags in Missouri, USA, where it hosts a contest for the brave man who manages to stay in a coffin for 30 whole hours.

The theme park organizes The Fright Fest 30-Hour Coffin Challenge, as it says, for October 13, giving the contestants generous doses of calm and serenity.

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Anyone who succeeds will receive $ 300 in cash, as well as free tickets to the park activities. But there is another lure, that he will keep the coffin, saving when he finally needs it.

The park will provide the coffin, providing meals, snacks and refreshments, which you must eat in there. All you are entitled to are 6 minute breaks per hour for mandatory toilet visits.