Strange and interesting facts about fish

k fish

What you may not know

The sea world hides many secret and interesting facts. Some of them are about fish and you may not know them…

  1. Many lipstick companies use fish scales.
  2. Several species of fish change sex during their lifetime.
  3. Goldfish can see infrared radiation that is invisible to us.
  4. One species of fish known as puffer fish contains enough venom to kill 30 people.
  5. 80% of the fish's biomass in the world's oceans has been lost in the last 100 years.
  6. The fish are coughing.
  7. Fish in polluted lakes lose their sense of smell.
  8. There is a type of fish that melts into each other and shares their body forever.
  9. A robotic fish was accepted by other fish and even became their leader during an experiment by New York University.
  10. A koi fish named Hanako lived for 225 years.