Today is the "day off from work"

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The National Day I Stay at Home Because I Am Well was established on November 30th

The news is more than good for any lazy person out there, as someone made sure to set November 30th as Lollipop Day.

This special day is the work of two sharp minds, Thomas and Ruth Roy, who believe that every employee should be able to kick a day off from work without having to make a bunch of excuses of dubious quality.

So instead of complaining of coughing and fever, you just call your boss and tell him, “I will not come today. I'm fine"!

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The reason for this upside-down day, Roy says, is to make people aware of how busy we are all in our daily lives. Especially when Christmas is short, when everything will be intensified.

The goal is to relax for a day and relieve stress. The day has even been included in the website that lists the World Days, thus acquiring a somewhat more formal character.

If and where it applies, it probably belongs in the realm of science fiction…