The men belonging to these three signs are the most unfaithful


So if you want to find out who are the most περ bourbons of the zodiac, who do not have it and find it difficult to have one or two or more parallel relationships, here is the list published by

Aries: It represents the faithful and the devoted but there is no greater siganopadia. He wants the permanent match to be played by a housewife and he flirts with whatever he finds. It mainly happens to him because he is a pseudo-conservative sign and no nature can be separated from him: Neither that of the head of the family, nor that of the chachpin.

Twin: Monogamy is not for him, on the contrary polygamy is little for him. Gemini has a big heart and loves them all, as a result of which he squeezes them like sardines inside her, causing a crowd in his bed and a frenzy to all those who feel like suckers stacked in his life.

Sagittarius: The Sagittarius man and not the woman, we must emphasize, is the one who really does not have much to offer and yet launches himself as a scapegoat to many "consumers" at the same time. This is mainly because he wants to be confirmed. In vain, this is a vicious circle. You do not get involved.