Astrologers say that especially today few zodiac signs are lucky in love

drt5e46t4e65546 Saint Valentine, ASTROLOGY, LOVE, SIGNS

With the Moon in the sign of Scorpio falling, repressed emotions "party" and can not be expressed with generosity. Hermes from the sign of his fall in Pisces (in the shadows just before turning retrograde) confuses thoughts and communications, while the atmosphere of nostalgia, dilemma or confusion is pervasive. Aphrodite, also weak from Aries, loses her romance and makes the game of love impulsive, enthusiastic, fiery, but somewhat superficial. Mars completes its course in the sign of Sagittarius, intensifying these days the nervousness, anger, tension and haste in our every action.

The "Lucky" in Eros

You do not say it is an ideal day to celebrate love today… However, the "lucky" of the day are: Sagittarius - Aries - Leo - Libra - Gemini of the 1st decade, Cancer - Pisces - Virgo - Capricorn of the 1st decade, Taurus - Scorpio - Virgo - Pisces of the 2nd decade, Leos - Aries of the 3rd decade! I wish you a wonderful day and soon you all enjoy the greatness of love exactly as you deserve
