There are 5 signs that are so "cool" that you say they are unconscious


See which are the signs mentioned in an article of, how they are the ones that can and do "lock" and do not allow any kind of emotional pain.


It does not hurt easily. And if that happens, then the "pain" will only last for a while. He forgets it and goes below. As Kaiti Garbi used to say: "All my grief, keep knowing for 2-3 hours at most. And if from now on we will live apart, now that does not worry me at all ". And to say it all and Katie Garbi is a Gemini!


We are talking about man - "emotional iceberg". Do not fight it. Does not hurt. It is one of the great trump cards. For some this ability is considered a disadvantage, but for him it is not. On the contrary, being able to "roll down" and be in his world is the best qualification that nature could give him.


He is the man who "kills" you inside him, you are "dead" forever. He does not change his mind, you can not convince him and the best for him? It does not feel pain. He is not easily hurt and if this happens, then he "ends" the situations, "dies" emotionally and continues his life as if the slightest thing never happened…


It is easy for Virgo to "roll down". Even if she is hurt, she can "empty" quickly emotionally and she has a way of doing it. He starts thinking about all your negative characteristics, all the mistakes you made, everything that was "wrong" on you and he gets rid of it easily. Because he sees that you were not perfect and you could not reach perfection, so… got rid of you and goes for other more beautiful bigger ones.


You could also call it "cold blood". So he says end, it… end. And it does not hurt to lose you. Because above all he puts logic and knows that he has made the right decision. He does not hesitate to punch the knife and make the necessary changes. And of course he will not shed a tear. Nor will he sit crying and in pain. Pain is for the weak and it belongs to the strong.