32 women who transformed after makeup and became like princesses

32 petychimena paradeigmata makigiaz poy aggizoyn to teleio 32 Women, APPEARANCE, Makeup

Perfect makeup: Most women want to be flawless in their appearance. This is not irrational, quite the opposite. There is a serious argument that has to do with a person's appearance. When a person meets another person, whom he has never seen again in his life, the first thing that will catch his attention is the external appearance of his interlocutor. So, women who want to take care of their appearance are right and especially those who put weight on makeup. Proper painting can hide opportunities…

More details for the perfect paint:

The term makeup is a foreign language and has prevailed internationally without being translated. It comes from the French verb maquiller which means to change, to alter. The Greek term that can replace it is psymythosis. It comes from psimithio, a common name for lead carbonate. Lead carbonate in the form of white powder was used in ancient Greece to whiten the skin and was known as part or track.

Nowadays, when the make-up materials are too many and the variety of their colors is quite large, it is common to call them biscuits and the colored materials and especially those that are in powder form. The one who applies the technique of psymithosis is called a psymithist or psymithologist.

Perfect makeup: Here are thirty-two successful examples of flawless dyeing
